Monday 12 January 2009

In our first lesson back we recapped over the meaning of match cutting(to film the same subject matter at different angles then edit and match so that it looks like continuous movement.)
For the next part of the lesson we had shot list(alternative method to storyboarding) the synopsis of :a man in east London at 3pm chain-smoking as he sits at home on his pc and copies confidential computer files then and posts them using no more than 20 shots. We had to include the shot type, camera action and a shot description. For example, the first shot on my shot list was an external extreme wide crane shot which had the description of buildings in the docklands area canary Whalf being the key building to establish where it is set. After completing our shot lists
We watched the same synopsis filmed and edited by the media department and as a class we were able to identify the different match cuts used this also gave us the oppertunity to compare our shot lists and see the differences to the way it was filmed by the media departmenr.
After this, we were told that we would have to storyboard and shot list a synopsis that we would edit and film in the following lesson.


Character A opens a door enters a room and sits in a chair opposite character B. Character A and B have a short conversation.

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