Wednesday 28 January 2009

re-thinking our ideas

On the 26thof January we were in the second lesson of our thriller. In this particular lesson we had to revise our plans the reason is because our first initial idea for the thriller was not up to the standard as we thought it would be. So as a group we decided to ditch the old idea and to start re-planning for this new idea.

This new idea is about a male character running and stumbling through a dense forest. This character would look very alarming because he would be wearing a shredded t-shirt and torn bloody jeans. In addition to this his facial appearance would look grazed and scratched. He will also have some sort of head injury from tripping over some objects.

This is a simple idea that can be made very effective by just using the correct camera shots, angles and the right props. If we as a group get the main components correct in this thriller we will have a very effective professional clip which will create suspense. And in turn creates questions to the audience which is needed to have a successful thriller.

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