Tuesday 30 December 2008

clips from thriller films

In today’s lesson we watched 6 professional clips called ‘Arlington road’, ‘the shinning’, ‘what lies beneath’, ‘28 days later’, and ‘collateral’. All these clips named above are a type of thriller.

out of the six clips the only one which appealed to me most was the shinning because there is a lot of techniques used to create suspense and makes us as the audience think what’s going to happen next so it kind of plays with our mind which a thriller is meant to do.

The first view we see is an extreme long shot of an old building probably a hotel with its green land surroundings. We then cut to a boy who is riding his tricycle through the corridors we are continuously tracking him from behind at a low angle which puts us in a very vulnerable position and makes us as the audience very anxious. What also enhances this is why he would be riding his bike indoors which then creates questions. I can also hear dietetic sound from the wheels rolling on the floor. Which suggests the place is very quiet and almost deserted.

As we track the boy through some corners non-dietetic sound starts to play a sort of creepy violin tone the more we follow him the louder the sound becomes. The tension slowly builds up until he reaches a door number 237. He slowly gets of his bike which seems very abnormal he then creeps to the door we see a side shot of the boy. I find this particular shot very good because the side shot does not allow us audiences to see what is inside the room.

As the boy is trying to open the door the music tone becomes quiet and the boy releases his hand of the handle slowly. This makes the audience sense danger of the boy entering the room.

And then suddenly as the tone increases tension also increases until it becomes far too overwhelming than a quick medium close up shot of the two evil little girls in his mind which sends the boy running to his tricycle. The final shot we see of him is a static shot where he is sprinting off on his tricycle he is also continuously looking behind him which shows that he is frightened and nervous.

The main reason I enjoyed this particular clip is because of the way they used the camera to create different angles and shots, and what enhances this is the music which creates different moods. Overall I felt that the devices were used to almost there full potential which in addition creates a good thriller.

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