Tuesday 9 December 2008

Practical newspaper thriller part 2 (editing)

In yesterdays lesson we got prepared to actually edit our newspaper thriller clip. We uploaded our clips on to final cut pro which is a video making specialist software which is used to edit clips. We had a few problems at first on how to upload our clips from the camera but we managed to do it in the end with some assistance. After we selected the clips we had to give a small detailed description of the clip for example whether it was a blurred shot, long shot, extreme long shot things like this made it easier when choosing the clip instead of playing the clip which will take up valuable time.

When taking our video shots we made use of the 5 second rule which basically meant before we start or end a recording we have to allow at least 5 seconds of time. The reason is when we come to do our editing it makes it easier so that we only cut the bits we actually want.

Once our group decided on the clips we started placing them on the story line, we made a lot of cuts on our videos this would not look good if we did not use any editing software. So we took advantage of this for example on final cut pro we cut our clips in to segments but to try and stop the constant quick changing we used transitions to try and merge everything together so that when it comes to playing the video it looks very smooth and professional. We also added some spooky non vocal music which really suited the video but before doing this we had to remove the original voice track which was fairly easy to do.

As a group once we finished editing our newspaper thrillers we were excited on how the clip would turn out. When watching the clip it really created suspense and mystery which is needed in any thriller and we were all proud on how our video turned out.

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