Thursday 11 December 2008

thriller practice introduction and filming

in the initial lesson- after we were organized into our groups- we were given an introduction into the proper use of the equipment; cam-corders, tripods, tapes etc. After becoming familiarized with the equipment we began filming our practical thriller.

my group consisted of addil, jamie and ayse and myself, we first skecthed our sequence and prioritise the angle of shots and length of shots and shooting techniques above a substantial plot.

(we believed it was more important to produce a thriller through technique than an obvious story.)

We filmed 12 different shots, majority of which was filmed in the college, the final few shots were shot outside campus.

we included techniques such as handheld camera, extreme close ups to textreme long shots, point of view angle and then also other angles such as aerial angles.

the film consisted of other themes such as tracking (jamies feet as he walked through the corridor) and unfocussed shots to convey mystery.

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