Tuesday 30 December 2008

watching student opening thrillers

In this particular lesson we watched some student thriller openings to try and give us some sort of inspiration and ideas on how to make our thrillers as successful as possible. When watching the thrillers I was mainly concentrating not so much on the acting but mainly on the way the camera has been used for example the angles, the type of camera shot and the techniques used because for the thriller to be successful the camera work must be good. I was mainly focusing on the main technical devises which are camerawork and mise-en-sene because the bulk of the marks are in these areas.

When watching the opening thrillers as a class we discussed the weaknesses and strengths of each clip I felt this was really important because when coming on to our thrillers we might make similar mistakes on the clips which we could have avoided. An example of a weakness in some thrillers is simple things like titles and credits which don’t seem to blend in with the clip itself and so there for looks rushed and the clips could be marked down for that sort of stuff. In the process of watching the clips we also tried to identify what type of thrillers they could be.

Looking at several clips I feel more aware and confident on my opening thriller and by trying to keep things simple and not to over complicated my opening thriller should be a success.

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