Tuesday 10 February 2009

Editing and creating A sound Score For our thriller


In todays lesson the main focus for our group was to finish editing our footage taken from our filming session on 31/1/09 and to start on creating a sound score for our thriller opening.

Filming 31/1/09

in the lesson befor wwe had drawn up a new story board and shot list to guid us during the filming this also gave us some structure into how we would shoot and the type of camera shots and angles we would use.This was a new synopsis as we found that when we were filiming our intial idea that it didnt work so well.

Here is a Breif plan into what we where aiming for in this filimning session


Synopsis: character A is running through a forest being chased character B but we do not see the mistery charcter B until character A falls over the end of the opening sequence

Location:Queenswood forest, Highgate (along the 43 bus route)

Props:Steel cap boots

Examples from shot list:

Shot type-Long shot, Description of sound and action -character a running through the forest sounds:footsteps

Shot type-Low angle shot,Description of sound and action -Character A falling over


Shot type -point of view shot/tilt,Description of sound and astion-Charecter A lookin up at Character B

we had all agreed to meet up on the saturday at angel tube station so we could travel to Queenswood forest together.once we had reached our location the first we had to do was explore the forest and find an ideal place to shoot for our sequence ,wher there would be minimal distraction and an area that was almost isolated so there was less of a chance that passers by could not intervene with our filming as this was a public park.once we had found the area were we

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