Thursday 12 February 2009

2/2/09 and 5/2/09 (editing)

Editing our thriller part 1

Once we had filmed our footage we then decided we should now edit, we used professional editing software called final cut pro. We uploaded our thriller on to this software. Wing then sorted the clips in ascending order and put in to the appropriate folder, for example (match cuts, handheld, static shots, and angled shots) by doing this it will make selecting the clips slightly easier. Once this has been done we can now put the clips on to the storyline. Once the clips are on the storyline, we decided to cut the shots into segments, which might create an uneasy jerky effect, which the group agreed on. We also joint the appropriate match cuts to make a continuous sequence. We also inserted the angle shots and a solarise effect. This effect will be on selected sequences and as the clip is played the effect will start to flash faster and faster which is part of creating suspense. This first attempt is just to see how the thriller would turn out; we wanted to see if it would have the continuity. Unfortunately, it did not and therefore we had to re-think on where to place the sequences of clips.

The second attempt

On this attempt, we thought very carefully on where to place the clips, we managed to put the clip sequences in the correct order because there was that continuity in which we wanted in our thriller. In addition, the effects worked excellently with the clip and overall created a lot of suspense. We still have a bit more filming just for the match cuts once this has been done it will be inserted.

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