Thursday 12 February 2009

9th february

music editing and credits

in this session because we had scarcely finished our editing, though we would like to review this again, niquita and riahna began creating and developing upon a sound track suitable for our thriller. They achieved a more than competent sound track as they did not use actual instruments for the soundtrack but rather scratching sounds. This gave a very surreal and thrilling effect and layered upon our thriller it produced a very noticeable good effect.

As they were doing this i finished, rendered and placed the credits, though i did not put the credits in an actual place i had just wanted to see how long our thriller opening would be if they were in it. For the credits we understood that it did not matter what they said who did what so we simply just wanted names under directed by etc, for example although i had starred in, directed and also had significant input in the camera work i did not put my name under all these titles. My other group members also played these roles however small or otherwise.

At the end of the lesson i came to realise that perhaps the font of the credits were not suitable as they moved in a floating like way and in too slow a pace, which spans away from the fast beat involving pace of our thriller- i would need to change this at a later time.

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