Thursday 12 February 2009

5th february

Cut and log and editing

in this session we began initially by cutting and logging our footage, this was a long and tedious 
job but it was obviously a necessity. As we cut our footage we came to realise we had more than enough and we thought this a good thing as it would mean we would have a lot of footage to play with.

eventually when we came to edit our pieces together i had organised the clips in folders, categorising them between the angles they were at and special events etc. By doing so it made creating match cuts easier- however, we came to realise that because our opening was very simple we had to make certain that there was a sense of progressive continuation. For example, during one clip it portrays me running towards a camera but for the sake of building suspense we had interrupted this every so often with other clips of me running but at different angles, we had to make certain that where we had interrupted this clip, it would smoothely follow where it had left off.

After criticising and redrafting what i had edited over and over, we eventually came to  a point where we were satisfied with what we had, however, there is always room for improvement.

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