Thursday 12 February 2009

Saturday 31st january -Filming session

Over the past two weeks we have been trying to think of a right location to film our thriller opening. our thriller location needed to be very dense with wood land and not a lot of buildings around either. We had several choices of parks/woods.

  • Epping forest

  • Queens wood

  • High gate woods

We ruled out Epping Forest due how far it was and we also considerd that it may be too dense. so we decided to film in queens woods.

when we got into the woods it was about 3pm so the natural light was starting to dim. we searched around for rigth setting as wing (main actor) would need a running path. wing make up was done on the bus ,by him and looked rather professional. he had fake blood on his face, cuts and buries all over his arms.

while wing was getting ready me and Rhianna went looking around our surroundings as we have never been to this forest before. we also looked a what areas were worth our filming time.
we took several shot of wing ruining though the woodland and we took this shot from alot of different angles. At one point i actually had to climb a tree with the camera in my hand , and film it from that angle. we also manged to get some shots from floor level, tracking and static.
We even developed our storyline as we went along. instead of wing ruining from nothing, it is later developed that a man will appear when wing falls down.

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