Saturday 21 February 2009

The Bourne Identity - Thursday 11th Decemeber

Today's lesson was the introduction to the thriller unit.

We discussed the suspense sequences and how it is vital to have the main points for a thriller.
  • Posing a question to the audience (people in jeopardy)
  • unfolding of narrative
  • complications
  • false resolution
  • question answered
  • people no longer in jeopardy

In today's 2nd part of the lesson we watched the very popular film The Bourne Identity which is a thriller also. While watching the movie we was asked to make notes of the examples of a suspenseful moment. After the film was done we were asked to feedback our examples to the class.

My example was when bourne realised he had put the family he was staying with in danger, he quickly ushered the family members into the basement and ran outside on his own with a gun. I think this caused suspense as we couldn't see any of the people after bourne but just hear the gun shots. Also the music was very racy and uptempo which added ecxitcment to the scene.

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