Thursday 12 February 2009

31st january 09

Filming part 1

As our first thriller idea did not come as planned, we were slightly behind schedule with our filming compared to other groups. So to make up for this we decided as a group to meet up on a Saturday and start filming our new thriller in queen’s woods. This forest was very spectacular because it was very dense which we wanted it to be, because it is important to have the correct environment for this type of clip. Before we started, any filming Wing who is the main character had to put his injury makeup on to make the filming a bit more effective. He puts scares on his face, arms and he even manages to make scabs on his on his arms which look really realistic at least in the film having these injuries would make the audience assume that this character has been struggling for some time. When we were all ready niquita and reahna went to look for a good place to film. Once this has been found we then started to film. Wing would be running through the forest and we have to take different shots and angles of him. When the filming was completed these are the types of shots we managed to do, handheld, low angle, close up’s, tracking, static shots, and some high angled shots. In this particular day, we managed to do a lot of filming which was very useful when coming to do the editing. In a couple of days we are going to return back to queens woods to do a couple more match cuts which is needed in our thriller apart from that we are on schedule.

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