Thursday 26 March 2009

Monday 15th december- Extenison task

In Mondays lesson we watched and analysed six clips from thriller movies. The movies we anyalyesed were 'What lies beneath' , 'Arlington road' 1 and 2 , 'The shinning' and collateral. As an extension task we were asked to analyse one of the clips in more detail.

i choose to anylse the movie clip of collateral. collateral was a box office hit staring Tom Cruise and Jamie Fox. Its about A cab driver finds himself the hostage of an engaging contract killer as he makes his rounds from hit to hit during one night in LA. He must find a way to save both himself and one last victim.

In this clip Tom Cruise is walking through the airport. I found this clip very different to the others as instead of having the normal suspenseful type of music. collateral only had their surroundings noise like people chatting, noises from the airlines etc. However as tom curise walks through the crowed his footsteps are hard louder then any other sound. i think this gives the audience sign that he is an important feature to this movie. also creates supesen cause we still don't no who he is , where hes going or what he wants.

i also think that the camera shots and effects in this clip are also excellent. instead of having every person in focus only tom Cruise was which made me feel uneasy as i didnt no what was going to happen.. Also another suspicious male was in focus this made the audience instantly make an connection between the two. This clip also used a lot of tracking shots and close up angles. And when the the two men bump into each other on purpose the 1st verbal narrative is heard. And when Tom Cruise walks away a thrilling type of music is introduced which i found very unique.

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