Wednesday 25 March 2009

Monday 26th january- FINAL idea!!

After many times going back and forth of what storyline would right for our thriller, as every member of my group thought the 1st idea was not that great.So as a group we used this lesson to re-plan what we could without wasteing anytime as we wanted to get everything done, so we could concentrate on filming and editing.

New thriller idea
Our new idea is about a male character running and stumbling through a dense and abandoned forest. But the male would have to look very disturbed and distressed, like he is running from someone.His clothes will be disheveled, torn and bloody, also his body will have cuts all over.
Now at 1st i thought this would be way to simple and would become boring with just some one ruining though a forest

But after thinking that even though simple it could be something very interesting with the right camera angles and match cuts. we was very clear that we wanted some sort of special effects but not sure what type. Also we deiced there would be no verbal narrative and instead capture audiences attention by visuals and music. Our target audience is still the same.

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