Wednesday 25 March 2009

Monday 2nd February - Editing session

After recovering from that freezing but productive filming day it was now time for us to look at our shots, and to see if we could actually put our storyline together. when i 1st arrived to this lesson i was rather excited about editing and couldn't wait to get stuck in. unfortunately i was only able to capture and log a few clips.

Then wing took over, he arranged the clips in to sub folders of clips that were similar. By doing this it made it a lot easier to see what shots can go were in final cut pro. As we had a lot of ruining scenes we had to make sure wing was not ruing back and forth. It needed to be continuous.

After we arranged the clips we looked at them all, however we did realise we would probably have to have another filming session during half term. As we wanted to capture more footage.

I was rather disappointed with this lesson as i would of liked to of done a lot more when it came to editing in this lesson but hey I'm sure there was many more to come.

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