Wednesday 25 March 2009

Monday 23rd febuary- Return from half term

After have a very needed break i knew that this week was the final deadline and it would be hard work. Since the last editing sessions before half term, the new shots slipped into place very effectively. We also had a very very good match cut clip that made us all proud. As a group we deiced we didn't want the credits to be extremely plain, we wanted something original and daring.

Me and Rhianna worked really hard on the music together which took us hours to find the right sounds. And even when we did find the right sound there were some difficulties. we had to place them in the right place and match them up to the thriller. we also had to cut and re size the music tempo and speed. we also wanted to use some original breathing sounds and other sounds from our shooting day.

I realised this would be harder then i thought as we would have to cut the sound from final cut pro and insert it into soundtrack pro.But we got it in the end!

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